Why you should use First Church Mall?
First Church Mall is what is called an “affiliate marketing site.”
In the case of Walmart…
Links are provided where when you click on the merchant of your choice you are taken to the merchant’s web site. A cookie is placed on your PC that credits First Church Mall for a % of your purchases.
You are buying from the merchant on their web site with their online security.
Who Benefits?
FirstChurchMall.com is an online shopping site benefiting The First Methodist Church of Arlington Texas.
Who Oversees the Mall?
FirstChurchMall.com is a service provided to the church by the Lamplighters Sunday School Class.
If you have an idea on additional merchants or services please contact us at info@firstchurchmall.com.
Where do the proceeds go?
ALL Proceeds from your purchases are directed to the general budget of the church. Projects may vary from time to time at the decided by First Church Administration.